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Your online resource for safety information, safety tips, and safety compliance


Texas America Safety Company (T.a.s.c.o.) DBA
4400 Danhil Drive
Brownwood, TX 76801
Phone Number: 1-800-646-5346
Outside US: 1-325-646-5346
Fax Number: 1-325-646-3790


Texas America Safety Company has been in the industrial safety supply business for the past 20 years. We are a family owned business with our roots based in the oil and gas industry. Based in the small town of Brownwood Texas, we have been making sales calls throughout the Texas and New Mexico region. While we concentrate on resellers, business, and industry, we also provide our safety products to working and sporting individuals.


About 12 years ago, we began developing our web site and we are extremely proud of what has been accomplished. Almost each and every week, we make some sort of adjustment or improvement to our website. It is our goal to have the best safety supply site, with the best shipping and delivery in the business. And, our main purpose is to provide our customers with today’s most popular safety products. The whole idea is to protect the working-man with safety gear that is comfortable, safe, and stylish.


Throughout the years we have learned quite a bit in the safety business and we would like to offer our experiences with the website.  It is chock full of safety tips, safety articles and other information to help raise safety awareness at home or the workplace.  Our blog is free and open for everyone to learn; as well as, distribute any safety tips that might help others.  Let’s all chip in to make our workplace, home, and day to day life a bit safer.


If there is anything we can help you with, please just let us know.  Remember to be safe out there!



Vice President

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