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It's Not Getting Any Warmer Out There!

How much longer do we have to wait for Punxsutawney Phil’s prediction of an early spring? How many more weeks did you say? How on earth...

"Walking in a Winter Wonderland" Safely!

It is tempting to stay indoors and work out at a local fitness center when the weather is very cold. However, getting outdoors for a...

Clearing Snow Safely

Many parts of the United States have been pummeled with heavy snow storms, and for those areas, having a snow blower is another important...

A Warm Hello To Our Friends in the Midwest!

After reading all the reports of the blizzard that has hit the Midwestern U.S., we Texans have nothing to complain about, when it comes...

Are You and Your Car Ready for Winter?

Because cold weather is on the horizon, it’s time to give your vehicle a good checkup. You depend on it to get you safely wherever you...

Storm Safety Tips

Because our area of the United States has been hit by thunderstorms and tornadoes lately, we decided it might be a good idea to review...

Autumn Leaves Can Break Your Back!

This is my favorite time of year, the leaves are falling, mornings are cool and crisp when Buddy and I go for our daily walk, football is...

Hazards of Hot Work

Welding, cutting, soldering, and brazing in construction, maintenance, and fabricating activities are considered “hot work” when there is...

Fall is Here!

In some parts of the country, it comes earlier than others, but September 23rd is the first day of fall! The northern states are...

There's Still Lots of Time for Swimming!

Even though school bells are going to be ringing soon, there’s still plenty of time to take a dip before the swimming pools close. ...

Water Keeps You Running in the Summer Heat!

August days are sweltering in Texas, as well as many other parts of the country. There are many athletes – baseball players, football...

Tips for Storm, Flood, Hurricane Response

With the recent floods and tornadoes in the midwest, and hurricanes looming in the south, it’s wise to remember that storm and flood...

Here's the Buzz on Those Summer Pests!

Well, we’re here in the latter part of July, and still have lots of warm days ahead of us before there’s relief from the heat and those...

Ideas About UV Protection

We haven’t forgotten that July is UV Protection Month, a reminder to all of us to protect our eyes and skin! It is most important that...

Temperature Changes Can Be a Shock!

In early June, we returned to Texas from an Alaskan cruise. Most of the time on our trip, we wore lightweight jackets. It’s amazing how...

Important Summer Safety Reminder

This is a difficult subject to even think about, but a very important one to pass on to our readers. We are getting into the hottest...

Summer is Here!

As the month of June is closing, our final installment for National Safety Month is “Summer Safety.” What better time to pass on to you...

Who'll Stop The Rain?

Many parts of the United States have had more than their share of heavy rain this spring. Residents of Nashville, Tennessee, are still...

Batten Down The Hatches!

As if there’s not enough to worry about for folks on the Gulf of Mexico coastlines and off-shore drilling rigs, hurricane season began...

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