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Count The Violations

For the past few weeks, we have been covering the Top Ten OSHA violations and penalties assessed for fiscal year 2010. Violation of (29...

Workplace Fatigue Can Be Costly!

This past Wednesday, there were two separate but related incidents of what “sleeping on the job” could have caused, when not one, but two...

We're Not Through Counting OSHA Violations!

It seems that the Top Ten List of Violations on OSHA’s Top Ten for 2009, were still on their Top Ten List for 2010, many of them just in...

Practice Helps Ensure Safety!

The word “practice” can mean many things to different people. We’ve all heard the saying, “Practice Makes Perfect.” My best friend was...

Workplace Noise May Damage Your Heart

It is a proven fact that persons who work in loud places for long periods of time can suffer loss of hearing, but researchers are now...

Green Jobs Are Not Necessarily Safe Jobs!

Green Jobs are defined as jobs that help improve the environment. In addition to revitalizing the economy by putting people back to...

Some "Shocking" Facts About OSHA Violations

We all understand that working with electricity can be dangerous, and only persons that have been trained in this field should attempt...

How to Stop Dropping Boxes

The following article is from Guest Blogger, Ward Greunke. He wanted to share this great information with us and our readers. I’ve...

Number 3 On OSHA's Top Ten Violations For 2010

OSHA estimates that there are more than 650,000 hazardous chemical products in use in the United States. This means that approximately 3...

Counting Down For Safety!

Yesterday, we began a series about OSHA’s Top Ten List for violations and citations for fiscal year October 1, 2009 through September 30,...

Stay Off The "Top Ten" List!

The Number 1 most frequently violated standard on OSHA’s list for fiscal year October 1, 2009, through September 30, 2010 was:...

Do You Have The Perfect "Outfit"?

Most of the time, when we get ready to go out, we (guys and gals) have to be certain that everything is pretty close to perfect……from ...

How Often Do You Conduct Safety Inspections?

It is the employers’ responsibility to ensure that their employees are protected, for their safety and health. If an employee complains...

Can You Find Hidden Hazards In Your Workplace?

Do you know of any workplace that is totally safe? Hazards exist in just about every vocation there is. There are safety professionals...

Pay Attention To Safety Rules!

In the United States, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is concerned with knowing that every employee in the...

Do Safety Meetings Have To Be So Serious?

This sounds like a silly question, because there’s nothing we should be more serious about than safety! I think the correct descriptive...

What's Your Excuse For Not Wearing Your PPE?

It seems that things haven’t improved in the past few years regarding employees getting injured because they were not wearing their...

How Would You Grade Your Safety Leader At Work?

There are several positions of management, but the front-line supervisor is usually the person responsible to be the “Safety Leader,”...

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