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According to a study done by the University of Washington and Mickey Eisenberg, M.D., approximately 166,000 lives each year are lost (or 455 people per day), due to sudden cardiac arrest.

Sudden cardiac arrest is the leading cause of death in adults, most by persons with underlying heart disease. In this instance, the heart goes from a normal heartbeat to a trembling rhythm called ventricular fibrillation, which happens in about 2/3 of cardiac arrests. VF can be fatal, without defibrillation (electric shock) being given. CPR doesn’t stop VF, but it extends the time in which defibrillation can be effective, and provides a small amount of oxygenated blood to the brain and heart, keeping these organs alive until defibrillation can shock the heart into a normal rhythm. A person has a 40% chance of survival if CPR is started within 4 minutes of collapse and defibrillation provided within 10 minutes.

Interesting facts regarding CPR:

  • Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation was developed in the late 1950’s and 1960’s. About the same time, chest compression was found also to benefit circulation. Later in 1960, chest compression and mouth-to-mouth were combined to form CPR almost as it is practiced today.

  • Typical victims of cardiac arrest are women in their late 60’s and men in their early 60’s, occurring almost twice as often in men than women.

  • There has never been a case of HIV transmitted by mouth-to-mouth CPR. However, TASCO has CPR microshield kits available with one-way ventilation tubes and shields for protection if the victim has blood on their face, resulting from an accident.

  • Never underestimate the importance of knowing CPR. With proper training, you may be able to save a life someday! If your workplace doesn’t have CPR training, find a training program and sign up for a course.

Source: Mickey Eisenberg, M.D. University of Washington “Learn CPR-You Can Do It!” CPR Shields

CPR can save lives, if it is done properly. However, many people don’t know how to perform CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) properly and even if you do, it can be dangerous for you. If there has been a car accident or other catastrophe and someone needs CPR but they have blood on their mouth or face, in this day in age, you need to be protected against diseases yourself. Microshields are the best way to keep from accidental contamination from occurring. A CPR microshield covers the mouth of the victim and has a valve for air to pass from the giver to the receiver. The valve only opens when the rescuer breathes out and closes when the rescuer finishes giving the breath. The masks even have a breathing tube that ensures an open airway.

These shields are important for everyone to have so they even have holders with a keychain attachment so you always know where your shields are in an emergency. You can even get them with a pair of high risk latex gloves for further protection.

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