If you are getting ready to exercise your right to bear arms, whether it’s against deer, turkey, moose, or waterfowl, here are some reminders for your safe hunting:
Always treat your firearm as if it were loaded.
Be certain of your target and what is beyond it.
During daylight hours, be sure to wear a hat or cap, vest, rain wear, or outer garment that is Hunter Orange and visible from all sides.
Some states allow camouflage vests if they are 50% Hunter Orange.
Keep control of your emotions.
If you are in an elevated deer blind, wear a fall resistant device, when climbing, sitting, or descending from position.
Maintain your weapon properly.
Carry flashlight for dim situations, so that you may be seen.
Keep your finger outside the trigger guard until you are ready to shoot.
Waterfowl hunters should wear waterproof, warm clothing, and take spare clothes. Chemical hand warmers come in handy when hunting in cold conditions.
Be sure to tell someone where you plan to hunt and when you plan to return. Take your cell phone for added security. Happy Hunting!