For the past several years, food labels have furnished a lot of information regarding calories, carbohydrates, sodium, and other contents of its particular container. Under the United States Food and Drug Administration, the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition regulates approximately $417 billion of domestic foods, $49 billion imported foods and $15 billion worth of cosmetics sold. From the point of United States entry or from processing to their point of sale, the DFSAN ensures foods and cosmetics are safe. Meat, poultry, and eggs are regulated under the United States Department of Agriculture.
The USFDA has been protecting the food safety of Americans for more than 100 years; we have one of the safest food supplies in the world. In addition to foods for human consumption, they also safeguard foods for animals as well. They ensure that food and cosmetics are accurately, honestly labeled, and protect consumers from economic fraud, in addition to promoting nutrition and economic originality.
Some communication methods with the public include:
Food labels that have been revamped to be easier to understand nutritional value
Warning labels for drugs that contain iron, to safeguard children
New regulations on seafood safety
Furnish scientific evidence by showing a link between food/nutrient and disease or health conditions, which can be used in labeling
The main elements of the FDA’s Food Protection Plan are advanced through prevention, intervention, response, and legislative proposals.
There’s a world of information on those labels. Not only are they helpful to those who count calories, they also assist persons who need to limit their intake of certain ingredients. So, read those labels!