Workers who face bodily injury during performance of their jobs need the appropriate type of body protection. Some hazards that contribute to the need for this protection are: weather extremes, impacts from tools or machinery, chemicals, hot splashes from liquids or molten metals, infectious materials; there are other hazards too numerous to name.
A variety of protection ranges from lab coats, vests, jackets, aprons, surgical gowns, coveralls to full body suits. If full body suits are needed, the suit must fit correctly for total functionality.
Body protection materials include:
Treated Wool or Cotton – Comfortable, fire-resistant, protects against dust, abrasions, rough and irritating surfaces; adapts well to changing temperatures.
Paper-like Fiber – Disposable suits for splashes, dust.
Leather – Helps withstand dry heat and flames.
Duck – Tightly woven cotton fabric; prevents cuts and bruises when handling rough, heavy or sharp materials.
Rubber, Rubberized Fabrics, Neoprene and Plastics – Works against chemical and physical hazards. When working with chemicals, the manufacturers label must be checked to ensure protection from the specific chemical.
Employers and employees should both take interest in protection. Do a survey of what types of hazards exist in your particular line of work. Then determine what type or types of clothing is needed to help protect you against those hazards.
Source: OSHA