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Workplace Bullying and Harassment


Do you remember when you were in school, there was always someone who picked on another kid because they were small or large for their age, had red hair and freckles, or some other trait that the bully enjoyed pointing out? We’ve all had to deal with these types of persons: the ones who butt in line, cut in front of you driving down the highway, or pull some other annoying stunt just to get your fever up!

We have to prepare ourselves for these situations to happen and stay calm. Realize that there is always someone who is going to make life a little more difficult, but if you are ready for it, things will go smoother.

In the workplace, we know that there are going to be bullies whether in the office or job location. We also know they are going to upset us, sooner or later. When you fall victim to a bully, hold up your hand and tell them to “STOP”. If you repeat yourself every time they do this, it might get their attention. If they continue, ask a co-worker to witness and provide you support in the situation.

Has your Workplace Bully:

  • Shouted at you in front of colleagues or customers/clients?

  • Nitpicked/criticized over trivial matters or mistakes?

  • Treated you with disrespect?

  • Called you names?

  • Made you feel unimportant?

  • Monitored you excessively?

  • Set you up to fail?

  • Withheld information that helps you do your job efficiently?

  • Excluded you from normal staff conversations and made you feel unwelcome?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, consider:

  • Document details of incidents, where it was, what was going on, witnesses, any information you have.

  • Tell your family what is going on.

  • Talk to your supervisor; if they are the bully, go to a higher authority.

  • You are probably not the only one going through this.

  • When the person makes nasty comments, the best thing to do is walk away and say nothing.

  • Show them that you are not interested in their nonsense.

  • Don’t show just how angry and upset you are; this will only give the bully satisfaction.

  • Bullies are cunning and most of them bully when no one in authority is around.

Know that when you report bullying you are not telling tales; you and everyone else has the right to be happy, treated fairly, safe, and free from this kind of harassment. Keep on speaking up until someone listens to you and takes you seriously. It is not your fault and there is no excuse for bullying. We all need to remember to treat people the way we want to be treated. Life would be much simpler if we would practice this.

Information shared by Creative Commons License

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