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Happy Thanksgiving!


There are various opinions about the origin of this holiday, which is celebrated by the United States and Canada. Some facts we have found are that the first Thanksgiving was celebrated in Texas, by the Spanish explorer, Francisco Vasquez de Coronado in 1541. Pilgrims gathered in 1621 to celebrate a successful harvest. In the United States, in 1939, the fourth Thursday in November was named as the official holiday. The second Monday in October is Canada’s national Thanksgiving holiday. There are probably many other theories about when and how the holiday began, but the main theme of today’s article is to have a Happy and Safe one!

This is the time of year when folks become rushed, getting ready for the big day! The most dangerous and deadly time of the year is from now through the end of the year, according to traffic statistics. Drunk drivers, drivers and passengers who are not wearing seatbelts, and those simply in a big hurry, account for accidents that can cause not-so-happy memories for all involved. Even if you are going to save lots of money getting to that “Black Friday” sale the day after Thanksgiving, consider the consequences and slow down!

Following those grim reminders, are a few basic, common sense hints to make your holiday feast successful:

  • In planning your meal, keep in mind those who might have food allergies.

  • Childproof your home.

  • Prepare the meal safely; use protective gloves when handling hot dishes.

  • If you choose a fresh turkey, do not purchase it until 1-2 days before you plan to cook it.

  • Thaw your frozen bird in the refrigerator 24 hrs per each 5 lbs.

  • Lest you forget to thaw the turkey, you may thaw it in the microwave if it isn’t too big; be sure to use the power level for thawing, and cook immediately once it is thawed.

  • Leftovers should be refrigerated within two hours of cooking.

  • Use the refrigerated leftovers within 3-4 days.

  • Keep Fido or Tabby safe this Thanksgiving; a little turkey meat won’t hurt, but don’t give them bones from the bird, as they can splinter and be dangerous. Foods that are spiced with garlic, etc., are not meant for animals. Your beloved pets will be just as happy with their regular diet.

We hope that each and every one will travel safely, not eat too much, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

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