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Safety Advice For Women Of All Ages


It doesn’t matter if you are a student, young adult, or older person, women of all ages need to be careful at all times. Predators exist in this world, just waiting for the right moment of vulnerability, so it pays to be on the alert. You may have other ideas you would like to share that just might save someone’s life. Here are some of our thoughts:

  • If you are working/studying late, let someone know where you are, and what time you plan to arrive home.

  • Use the “buddy system”, there’s safety in numbers. Stay away from dark areas and places like parks and alleys.

  • If you are going for a walk, take confident, quick strides. Take your cell phone.

  • If you are visiting someone in a hospital, avoid getting in an elevator/stairway alone.

  • Again, keep that cell phone handy at all times.

  • On public transportation, sit near the driver or conductor.

  • Wherever you have parked your car, have your keys ready when you leave the building. When you get to your car, check under and inside it before you unlock it, and then lock it as soon as you get in.

  • If there is a security person in the parking area that you use, ask him/her to walk with you, if you are uneasy.

  • At work, keep your purse and personal belongings in a locked desk or locker.

  • While shopping, don’t leave your purse in the dressing room if you step out momentarily.

  • When you stop at a traffic light, or maybe a convenience store, keep your car doors locked. It only takes a second to lock it while you are looking through your purse for something while you are parked in front of a store.

  • If you work at night, or late hours, keep the door to your work area locked if you are alone.

  • Have numbers of security and police available.

  • Ask your employer to have security or police check your place of work regularly.

There was an interesting segment on television the other night regarding single women on a first date. It seems there is a growing number of women that prefer to take their vehicle on a first date. They feel they are safer driving their own car by being in control of their destination and not at the mercy of someone they may not know that well.

If you have other suggestions, or have had an experience that you know will help others, we would love to hear from you. We all are working toward making this a safer world.

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