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High Visibility Safety Vests


In January, 2006, the Federal Highway Administration published the most recent Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (The MUJTCD.) This MUJTCD revision accepted and coded into law for the first time the ANSI 107-1999 High Visibility Apparel Standard. The acceptance of the ANSI 107-2004 Standard (current revision) was a distinct advancement for highway workers.

For Public Safety Workers such as Fire, Police, State Patrol, Emergency Personnel, and other First Responders, however, the circumstances and use of High Visibility Apparel on the job was unclear. Many Public Safety workers were exempted from using high visibility apparel, and were only partially covered by the ANSI 107 standard and the MUTCD. In 2006, the FHWA announced that effective in 2006, ALL workers working on a highway that received federal funds must wear high visibility ANSI apparel. The new rule now included Public Safety personnel, such as those named above, as they are a part of directing traffic, investigating crashes, handling lane closures, clearing obstructed roadways, and all other disasters within the right of way of federal highways. All First Responders working on any highway that received federal funds were being advised to use ANSI High Visibility Apparel. The vests must be Class 2 or Class 3.

There was the concern by Public Safety Workers that completing hazardous work such as heat/flame exposure, use of weapons and fire/chemical/electrical exposure, are all part of the risks of on-the-job traffic accidents and required judgment in the use of High Visibility apparel, and flexibility of design for these workers.

The ISEA, working in conjunction with select law enforcement, fire, rescue, EMS, and other city and state First Responder organizations began work on a new consensus standard specifically for Public Service Safety Vests. The result was the publication of the ANSI 207 Public Safety Vest standard, approved by canvas method and published in late 2006, and it is hoped that the regulation will soon be amended, as the 207 is not intended to be interchangeable or replace the 107. The ANSI 207-2006 accepted as “Best Practices” much of this standard as defined by the already published ANSI 107-2004 for workers. In regard to definitions of fluorescent fabrics, retro-reflective tapes, 3rd party testing care labels, marking, and other requirements, the same standards for high visibility public safety are nearly identical. The required amount of retro-reflective material is the same (201 square inches).

Our next segment will explain the details of the 207-2006 vests that Public Safety Workers felt would better meet their needs.

The purpose of these articles is to help everyone understand the difference in ANSI Standard 107-2004, and ANSI Standard 207-2006, High Visibility Safety Vests that are required to be worn by workers on all federally funded highways. As previously stated, the ANSI 207-2006 vests do not replace or interchange with the ANSI 107-2004. It is hoped that the Standards of the 207-2006 vests will be amended soon. Strong public safety justifications exist to recognize the 207-2006 vests.

Garment design is the key distinction in the two standards. By allowing less (450 sq. inches) of background fabric to be used, law enforcement could now combine Police Blue fabrics with fluorescent orange or yellow. Fire Service could use their traditional red, orange, or yellow fabrics, but needed Fire Resistant fabrics per the (NFPA 701) and or (ASTM F-1506) standards. EMS personnel traditionally wear navy or white. The National Incident Management System (NIMS) encouraged the use of colorcoding response personnel and/or the use of ID panels. The result is new vest designs that combine non-traditional fire resistant and poly-cotton fabrics with fluorescent fabrics to create entirely new designs for “Public Safety Vests” and “First Responder Safety Vests”. Many are one-size-fits-most, which allows for difference in personnel that will use these vests in an emergency. Clear and velcro removable ID panels permit fast changes in assignments during Incident Management. (There is also a new Incident Command Vest, which we will discuss later.)

The main difference is that the 207 vest features a shorter length. It has velcro “break-away” sides and shoulder designs on select products, which provide an extra level of protection in the event that the vest becomes tangled or caught on something. Another advantage of the shorter vest is the ease of access to belt mounted tools, or handguns for law enforcement. Following these considerations, the new ANSI 207-2006 standard allows Public Safety personnel to maintain their identity as First Responders.

The new standard suggests many design options, such as breakaway, colored identifiers, pockets, loops, badge holders, microphone tabs and ID panels. These are suggestions and not mandatory to the standard. The design options are intended to encourage inventive ways to meet end user needs for functionality, while still offering a high visibility safety garment.

It is our hope that all of our highway workers, Public Safety Workers, and First Responders remain safe as they perform their important jobs on our nations highways.

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