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New ADA Standards For Swimming Pools


Probably not too many of us are using swimming pools now, unless they are heated, but this guest article will give many persons something to look forward to next spring.

New ADA Standards for Swimming Pools

The following information was sent to us by Guest Author, Jeffrey Cross, SEO/SEM Specialist at PoolCorp. It refers to new regulations regarding public swimming pools’ access arrangements according to the Americans with Disabilities Act. We appreciate this news, which comes into effect in 2012.

Affected Facilities

Those affected are commercial swimming pools that are state and local government owned facilities, parks and recreation departments, state run schools and universities, as well as hotels, health clubs, private schools and community centers. Private residences, apartments and condominiums are not affected unless they sell memberships to the public or actively rent out their units to the public similar to a hotel. Nature made swimming locations like beaches, lakes, and rivers are not affected.

Means of Access

The newly adopted regulations define five permitted means of access for swimming pools. Primary means of access include swimming pool lifts and sloped entries. Secondary means of access include transfer walls, transfer systems, and accessible pool stairs. Access requirements differ depending on the size of the swimming pool. For large pools with over 300 linear feet of pool wall, two means of access are required. One of these required means must be a primary access. For smaller pools with under 300 linear feet of pool wall, at least one means of access must be provided, and it must be primary.

Tax Credits

Tax credits are also available for adapting to the new regulations. If a facility has annual revenue under $1 million or has fewer than 30 employees, it can receive a tax credit up to $5000 to help offset the cost of the accessibility modifications.


Jeff Cross, SEO/SEM Specialist

POOLCORP, 109 Northpark Blvd., Covington, LA 70433

Note: Thank you, Jeff, for this information. Many persons who could not access a swimming pool, either public, or at hotels, can now look forward to the same recreation that others enjoy. Those who have or have had family members or friends who are disabled know the many obstacles they must overcome, and this will be one less.

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