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Construction Safety and Compliance: Resources For Employees and Employers


Submitted by Eliathah Boda of OSHAPros USA.

The construction industry is one of the most dangerous industries in the United States. The rate of fatalities among construction workers is three times higher than that for all workers in the U.S. – in 2009 it was 9.7 percent per 100,000 compared with 3.3 for all workers. For this reason, 60% of OSHA’s inspections are of construction sites.

The four most dangerous hazards in construction work are:

  • Fall Hazards

  • Caught-In or Caught-Between Hazards

  • Struck-By Hazards

  • Electrocution Hazards

Besides inspections and enforcement of standards for the construction industry, particularly OSHA 29 CFR 1926, OSHA provides educational materials as well as training through authorized outreach trainers. On the OSHA website a number of helpful materials and resources are available that cover the most important construction safety topics.

The Outreach Training Program addresses basic elements of safety in the workplace. The program was developed by OSHA, who then teaches trainers, who are then authorized to provide the training to workers in person or as videos offered online. The courses given through this program include two 10-hour courses for all workers, one on General Industry Safety and one on Construction Safety; two 30-hour courses offered that are geared mostly for supervisors and foremen, one that covers General Industry and one for Construction. You can see more information on the Outreach Training Program on the OSHA Website. Information on the Outreach Training Program is available on the OSHA website.

Besides the courses offered through the Outreach Training Program, one of the most useful resources available for information on constructionsafety topics is the OSHA Construction eTool, an online training tool that is especially useful for workers in learning more about construction safety. The Construction eTool covers the most serious hazards in construction work, including electrical, falls, struck-by, and trenching, with thorough but easy to understand explanations of the hazards, applicable OSHA standards, and safety tips to avoid injuries from these hazards. It also explains how the standards apply to different workers. Additionally, there is information for employers on how to develop a safety and health program to help meet OSHA standards and prevent injuries.

Another useful resource available on the OSHA website is a series of construction hazard prevention videos. These are available in both English and Spanish with closed captioning.These resources will provide you with a great deal of useful information and are an excellent supplement to the authorized OSHA training courses that are also available.

OSHA Pros USA provides onsite OSHA training, online safety training courses, mock OSHA inspections, air & noise surveys, and litigation support across America.

In addition, OSHA has a separate standard for every type of wide variety of safety products required for each particular job, according to the hazards. You can find those standards on the OSHA website. pb


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