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Easy Ways to Reduce Injuries in an Office Setting


Sent to us by Brandon Allred.

Work injuries that are related to computers are quickly becoming the most reported incidences on the job. This is because using computers in the work place are so very common nowadays in almost every area of the world. Since this is fact we have to take into consideration how these injuries occur and how to prevent them as much as possible. New standards set forth by occupational safety committees recommend safer ways to use computers and other such devices that will lessen the effects that cause the injuries in the first place. These tips are important to follow because using computers for a large amount of your workday can cause back problems, neck problems, and hand/wrist problems such as carpel tunnel syndrome. If you are someone who works heavily on computers at work (or even at home) keep reading to find out how you can boost your chances of sustaining injuries.

Tip 1:

The chair that you sit in can make all the difference. It can cause or prevent damage. Your chair should be designed ergonomically so that it fits your back (and your entire body) in a way that is more natural and comfortable, thus preventing strain in any one area and preventing injuries.

Tip 2:

Even with ergonomic chairs your body still needs a change of position every now and then. At least once per hour, get up and move around for a couple of minutes in order to get your blood flowing and your muscles moving.

Tip 3:

Many workplaces that require you to be sitting at desks or computers for long periods of time will require that you have a morning and afternoon exercise session. If your workplace does not have this then suggest it yourself. If the suggestion is not taken then do the small exercises on your own to help protect your body.

Tip 4:

If you are typing for long periods of time, move your wrists often. This will help relieve them from the stress being put on them from the mouse and keyboard which can cause carpel tunnel syndrome. This is a painful condition that may render you unable to work at the computer anymore and require surgery to fix.

Tip 5:

Use an ergonomic keyboard that tilts at a good angle to relieve any pressure put on your wrists and hands. Using one at home is also a smart idea and they can be purchased at most any store that sells computer items.

Tip 6:

Adjust the position that you are sitting in if you feel any strain or pain. Your shoulder, hands, wrists and arms should feel totally relaxed. If they are not then you are not sitting properly to prevent injury.

Tip 7:

Your eyes should also be protected while working at the computer. Make sure that the screen is tilted at an angle where you do not have to strain your neck or eyes to see it. Also make sure that the screen is not too light or too dark as this will strain your eyes as well.

Tip 8:

Your eyes should also be rested frequently throughout the workday. Staring at a screen all day can take a toll no matter how well your position is. Take several breaks by focusing your eyes on objects in the distance. This only takes a few seconds to be helpful so do it frequently.

Tip 9:

Avoid tensing your body’s muscles while working at the computer as this strain can cause all types of work related injuries.

Tip 10:

Have your computer fitted with a glare screen to keep your eyes as safe as possible and avoid further strain.

All of the above can make a real difference in workplace comfort and lessen the chances of becoming injured. Keep these tips in mind if you are often on your home computer as well.

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An extra note: motivational posters placed in the office also offer reminders that go well with the above tips. Pat

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