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Safety First - How to Make Sure You Will Not Get Injuries While Exercising


Regular exercise has many health benefits. Exercise can help you lose weight and reduce the risk of developing diseases, such as type II diabetes and hypertension. However, you should take precaution while exercising to avoid getting injuries. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the number of Americans who receive treatment for exercise related injuries stands at 10,000 every day. Common injuries related to exercising include abrasions, sprains, broken bones, and dislocated joints. Figures published by the Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPCS) show that the cost of treating these injuries tops $49 billion annually. To avoid adding to this enormous health bill, follow these tips while exercising.

Warm up

Many people overlook the importance of warming up first. This prepares your body and muscles to handle stresses related to working out. Your exercise build up should start with light cardiovascular exercises such as brisk walking or light jogging. This stimulates muscle nerves to function more efficiently. It also enhances the delivery of oxygen through increased blood flow to the muscles. As a result, muscles and ligaments move more freely.

Use the Right Equipment and Attire

When it comes to exercise, you should only use the right equipment. If you exercise at home, find a good elliptical trainer to fits your needs. It is best to buy equipment endorsed by reputable sports organizations and bodies. Besides equipment, you should have the right exercise gear and clothing. For example, you need shin guards, helmet, and gloves to ride your dirt bike outdoors. In addition, examine and check the equipment before beginning your exercise. This is to ensure that the equipment does not have faulty parts.

Do not Over Exercise

This may seem like a no brainer but many injuries result from over working certain body parts while exercising. CDC statistics show that high school athletes suffer more than two million injuries every year. If you have not been exercising in the past, start your daily exercises slowly and build up momentum slowly. For repetitive exercises, take adequate rests in between workouts. This will give your muscles time to recover and avoid injuries.

Listen to Your Body

Learn to listen to your body and take a rest when your body becomes tired. If an injury occurs, do not try to tough it out or push your body too hard. Instead, stop your exercises and apply first aid to the injured body part. You should seek medical treatment if the pain does not subside within 24 to 48 hours. The rule of thumb is to heed your common sense.

Exercise related injuries could hamper your dreams of staying fit and healthy. In the US, anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries gobble up $1 billion in rehabilitation costs alone. This is according to numbers published by CDC. This does not mean that you should shun exercise altogether. Instead, use common sense while exercising and always start by warming up. This will redistribute more blood to your tendons and muscles making movement smoother. Finally, do not over do your regular exercises.

About the Authors:

Joyce G. is a professional health blogger and writer. She currently partners with in raising awareness about the importance of health and fitness.NordicTrack has come to symbolize the means for serious athletes and fitness-buffs alike to “get ready for adventure,” whatever that may be. Visit our website and find a good elliptical trainer to fits your needs.

Another tip: when riding your outdoor bike, wear a high visibility vest or other means of being seen, especially if riding early in the morning or late in the evening. Pat

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