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Ground Requirements for Safety in the Warehouse


Another great article sent to us by Maree Kyle.

Safety in the workplace is at the top of any company’s list because risks that aren’t accounted for and dealt with accordingly have the potential to cause the loss of life, limb and livelihood. No matter what rules and guidelines you put in place, you still have to exercise caution when using power supplies and tools. To avoid unnecessary harm or danger, it’s important to make sure you are on top of safety compliance issues, communicate safety rules to your employees and ensure they are using every precaution possible to prevent hazardous situations from arising. Here are some tips for promoting safety.

  • Provide training and education: Good communication is one of the most important safety tools you can use in your workplace. Regular workshops sponsored by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration should be a consistent part of your warehouse safety plan. As technology in the warehouse increases, new information must be passed on to the workers so old, outdated practices don’t inadvertently cause a safety issue.

  • Avoid electrical accidents: Machinery and tools that use electricity place everyone in the warehouse work environment at-risk for accidents. Power supplies for heavy duty industrial equipment are an important addition to your warehouse tools and supplies. When new supplies are introduced into the workplace, be sure to provide on-the-spot training so employees are aware of the new supplies and how they function. Daily electrical safety checks should be a part of every morning to ensure your employees are starting the day in a safe work environment.

  • Provide emergency kits: Your local fire department will work with you to ensure you’re in compliance with your emergency kits, which may include first aid supplies, a light source, batteries, a radio, water pouches and food rations. Follow the directives put forth by the fire department to ensure each emergency kit contains what it should and is placed where it’s easily accessible by you and your employees.

  • Post evacuation plans: Evacuation during an emergency is an essential component of your warehouse safety plan, and it’s something you and your employees should practice. Even though workers in a large warehouse may have assigned emergency exits and shutdown procedures to follow, make sure they know safety comes first and it’s okay to use a closer or safer exit when necessary. Likewise, discuss when equipment shutdown practices should be followed or abandoned in an emergency.

  • Be diligent with cleanups: This simple-but-effective tip will make the warehouse a safer place to be for anyone on the floor. Even small spills from water, oil or other slippery component can pose a hazard in the workplace. Avoid accidents that can become serious issues by being mindful of messes.

The time and training invested in promoting workplace safety is well worth the cost when compared to the time and money you’d have to expend to recover from a workplace accident. Keep communication lines open and convey every new safety tip to your employees. Make sure they’re following through with safety measurements, even if it involves a little extra work and time. Some companies try to save time and dollars by cutting corners on safety; not only is the practice unsafe, but it places little value on the company and those who keep it going. Follow these and other safety tips to make your warehouse a safer place to work.

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