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Stay Home With the Sniffles: Study Shows Paid Sick Leave Reduces Workplace Injuries


Workers brave workplace hazards every day, hoping that they won’t reset the “number of days without a workplace accident” sign. It may seem obvious, but staying home when ill drastically reduces the chance of nonfatal occupational injuries.

Workers with paid sick leave were 28 percent less-likely to be injured at the workplace in comparison to workers without PTO days, a study conducted by the American Journal of Public Health concluded. Data on approximately 38,000 adults working in the private sector who participated in the National Health Interview Survey was used.

The financial pressure drives employees to work even though ill. “If fewer people work while they are sick,” study researcher Abay Asfaw, Ph.D., said in a statement, “this could lead to safer operations and fewer injuries in the workplace.” Depending on the job occupation and sector, workplace injury differed. Construction workers were at a 21 percent increased risk without paid sick time off compared with 18 percent for health care personnel.

Another study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health concluded that coming into work while sick increased the chances of needing to take more sick time off later, according to Rodale News. It may seem that employees will use less time off in the short run, but the sickness compounds or grows worse without necessary rest, resulting in a greater number of work absences over the long run. Ill workers reporting for work more than six times were 53 percent more-likely to be absent for two weeks in the future. Those same workers were also 72 percent more-likely to take two months sick leave in the following year and a half.

Sevenson, an environmental remediation service, practices a stringent Corporate Safety and Health Program to avoid an unnecessary Sevenson Environmental lawsuit along with worker injuries. Employees engaged in hazardous-waste remediation are monitored to ensure that their surroundings aren’t negatively impacting health. Here are some other blue-collar tips to prevent harmful accidents at work.

Break Time

Along with the aforementioned paid-time-off days, taking time off during the day is also of utmost importance. Hours of continuous work inevitably leads to fatigue. To avoid workplace mishaps as a result of fatigue, take a break at least once an hour to give your body and mind brief, restorative rest.


Over time, workers become overly comfortable within their workplace environment. Comfort can lead to calamity. Workers’ previously sharp awareness is blunted, even though the level of danger remains the same. Always remain mindful of your environment and acutely focused on all surroundings.

Safety First

From slip-resistant shoes to hazmat suits, workers must equip the proper safety gear to avoid workplace incidents. Ensure that you’re always suited for safety — money spent toward equipment to prevent harm is well worth it in comparison to life-threatening, preventable injuries.

By Stephanie Diaz A former public relations specialist, Stephanie is a blogger who shares tips on saving money and getting ahead in any economy.

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