New domestic fuel or gas tank owners often ask, where is a safe place to position my tank. Ideally it needs to be placed near the home for convenience, yet far enough not to cause damage in the occasion of a leak or spill.
Spill containment is a serious safety measure that should always be considered when owning a fuel or gas tank. Fuel or gas spills can have a detrimental effect on the environment and the vicinity of which you reside in. They can destroy the local wildlife’s habitats and breeding grounds, and can affect any close by waterways. The impact the spill has on the environment can depend on many factors including the volume of the spill, the type and weight of the substance and the location. However, no matter how big or small the spill is it can cause long-term environmental damage.
Fuel Spill Action Points
Identify the source and assess the hazard
Ensure the safety of all persons
Check for fire risk
Move any machinery nearby
Wear necessary safety clothing and equipment before dealing with the spill
Stop any flow by sealing holes in containers, drums and bunds
Limit the spread of the spill
Protect any drinking water if applicable
Once safe notify a environmental officer where the source is, the volume of the spill and if there are any risks of fire
Contain the spills by using absorbents or building small dams
Once the fuel or gas has been contained try to recover as much oil as possible. This can be done using pumps to remove any spillage from the ground and then placed in a drum or using absorbent pads that are then discarded.
Spill kits
Due to the effects gas and fuel can have on the environment it is imperative that owners not only store hazardous liquids in an environmentally friendly manner, but also have some form of spill kit in case of an emergency.
Oil and fuel absorbent spill kits are ideal for cleaning up spills. They contain all the tools you require to clean-up efficiently and leave little residue. Many spill kits include oil absorbent pads, socks or “booms” and a bag to dispose of the used absorbents.
The location of a domestic tank is very important and we would always recommend that UK domestic and commercial oil users alike use an OFTEC registered engineer when installing an oil tank.
Top safety tips for domestic fuel storage and use has been written by RPM Fuels and Tanks, who stock a variety of tanks, spill kits and spill pallets.