Many people look forward to the winter months for the excitement of playing in the snow. Other individuals, however, dread the colder months due to the more difficult commutes and freezing temperatures. Regardless of how a person feels about the winter, if they’re a business owner, they cannot simply ignore it. Winter months create the risks of numerous injuries, and if a business owner doesn’t take proper measures at his office to protect clients and even passersby, he could possibly be held liable for any injuries. This is why it’s so important for business owners to prepare their company for the winter months. Luckily, there are a few simple methods of doing this.
Layer Salt on Walkways One of the most important things a business owner can do is put salt on any walkway or sidewalk in front of their building. Unfortunately, a business owner can be held accountable for a slip and fall injury on a sidewalk that isn’t even their actual property. Luckily, applying salt is a simple process that will help prevent water and snow from becoming ice.
Installing rails is another great way to prevent accidents that result in serious personal injury lawsuits that could ruin a company. Steps, and even some walkways benefit from the installation of a handrail. In fact, some building codes actually require handrails when there are a certain number of steps. Even if they aren’t required, however, installing them can help prevent someone from slipping on slick steps during the winter. These are especially important, as an Atlanta injury attorney might attest, in southern regions where snow and ice seldom form causing people to not be prepared when they actually do.
Shoveling Snow
Shoveling show from any areas around a business is also vital during the winter months. Unfortunately, snow presents a constant hazard for people walking through it. A large enough snowfall can conceal dangers on sidewalks. This becomes a particular problem when snow plows push snow off of the streets and up onto sidewalks. A business owner or their employees should wear appropriate boots when doing this and also shovel snow as it accumulates rather than waiting for it to pile up.
Fix any Issues Immediately
There are obviously going to be unforeseen circumstances that can cause an injury to employees or passersby. Many of these incidents don’t, in themselves, create negligence on the part of the business owner. If that business owner knew, or should’ve known, that a particular hazard existed, it’s very likely that they’ll be held liable if an injury occurs.
If someone walks into a business owner’s offices covered in snow, for instance, it’s likely that their office floor will become wet when this snow melts. It’s hard to say that a person who walks in five seconds after the initial individual and slips on this moisture was injured due to the owner’s negligence. If this wet floor is allowed to remain, however, and the business owner should’ve known about it, then it’s likely that he’ll be held accountable. Wet floor signs should definitely be used.
The simple fact of the matter is that business owners can be held responsible for people that are injured on their property; this is true even if the injured party isn’t a client. Sadly, these types of accidents have forced some business owners to close the doors at their company after facing severe civil damages. Fortunately, it only takes a bit of proactive thinking to reduce common risk.
Saam Banai is a freelance writer and editor and supporter of safe small business efforts. At Stokes & Kopitsky, you can find an Atlanta injury attorney in the event that you suffer from personal injury on the premise of a negligent business. Their experienced attorneys will provide immediate help to the victims of work and premise injuries, automobiles and bicycle accidents, and wrongful death.
When preparing your business for the safety of winter visitors and employees, be sure to see that your workers wear the appropriate cold weather personal protective equipment to stay as warm as possible. pb