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The Biggest Health Hazards For "It" Professionals and How to Prevent Them

When you think of the riskiest jobs in the world, IT is probably not a field that comes to mind at all. However, these individuals work in front of computer screens all day, and this alone can pose a risk. What are some of the health issues associated with this type of job though? Read on – the answers to this question may surprise you.

Stationary Effects

Let’s immediately get into one of the biggest problems that can result from working on a computer all day long. IT is, generally, not a very active job. As a result, problems from carpal tunnel to dangerous blood clots can potentially form at anytime in your life. Remember, blood clots have the potential to kill you, so you need to be very alert to anything that seems out of the ordinary for this kind of work. You must remember to walk around at some point during the day, if not a few times and stretch out your fingers, hands and arms at least twice most days.

Eyes and Head

Not only are you working at the computer all day, you’re also perpetually staring at a screen. Doing so can cause your eyes to be strained. Even if you never needed to wear glasses or contacts in the past, you could find yourself with a prescription rather soon. Looking at the screen for extended periods of time can also give you a headache. Try to drink a lot of water throughout the day to keep yourself hydrated and happy.


Depending upon the specific type of work you do, you may also find that you are developing arthritis earlier than all of your peers. This problem is more common for people who are typing throughout the day. Whether you are typing up gaming programs or new pieces of software for the computers at work, you run the risk of really straining your hands. Just think of how cramped up your fingers get when you have been typing for a long amount of time.

Back and Neck

You should definitely be looking into some ergonomic pieces of furniture for your office to prevent back and neck pain (or other problems). You may literally be hunched over all day, and this is not good for your back. Once again, being in the same position for a long period of time is not good. If you are unable to secure ergonomic chairs or desks, then it’s wise to practice something like yoga, which can stretch out and open up your shoulders, chest and torso. This can do wonders for someone who sits all day at a desk, hunched over a screen. How to Help

Preventing these types of problems, especially the more serious ones, is crucial for your well-being. However, you really need to discuss specific plans with your doctor to ensure you are getting advice from a professional in the field. Of course, getting away from the computer, moving your body and purchasing ergonomic furniture will help with this endeavor. Try to work out at least three times a week, for at least thirty minutes, and take frequent breaks throughout the work day.

Or, you may very well find yourself passionate about the topic of occupational health and want to help others. If so, you may want to peruse for more information about related healthcare fields where you really can make a difference.

You may have never realized all the health risks associated with being an IT professional before. Just as with any job, there are definitely some negative components, and you need to speak with your doctor before anything serious may develop.

Joseph Rodriguez writes about health, especially in terms of occupational health. His recent work chronicles his career as a healthcare administrator at a community health clinic on the west coast.

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