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How to Parent Safely in the Digital World


Parenting in the digital world is not an easy task. A recent survey in UK, shows that among 7-16 years old, seventy-five per cent of them use the internet. Children are giving more and more importance to this new media for multiple purposes such as for information, entertainment, relieving tension, communication (chat, email, instant messages) and most preferably for downloading contents. For many families, internet is a fragile medium, confusing and easier to gets wrong then right.

No doubt, Internet is a source of learning but it is also a place where cyber-stalkers are lurking for the target person. Parents give mobile phones to their children to remain in contact with them when they go outside either for their school or for some other activities. Internet is full with lots of software, games, music videos and adult content that encourage children for downloading. As children are not good in downloading and using the internet, they may become an easy target of cyber attackers.

That’s not only one problem that parents have to face regarding their children safety, sometimes games and video downloading shake your budget estimate with huge bills. These expensive apps have more attraction and adventure for kids. Pornographic videos are such a content that disturbs children behavior and attitude towards real world in a very bad way. It not only disturbs their health but also affects their norms and values.

If you have views that all Smartphone apps are wrong then you are thinking in the wrong direction. Many Smartphone apps are useful for kids and they make things easier for them. Many apps purely based on enjoyment and those apps create a real fun in people’s life. As it is already mentioned that not all apps are suitable for children so parents have to understand this concept for their children safety and security.

One thing about internet which makes parents more suspicious about their children is the open availability of pornographic videos. As parents do not remain close to their children all the time in a day, it’s very difficult for concerned parents to prevent their kids from undesirable material.

Games always attract children due to their adventurous characteristics. Children love to play games as they give them new ideas and imagination. Many children instantly download a game when their latest version release onto their mobile phone. Although many games can be downloaded free of cost from Smartphone apps, it doesn’t happen all the time. There are some games for which you have to pay a handsome amount before downloading.

As technology advances the mobile industry, similar technology makes advancement in games and now games are becoming more adventurous and realistic. There are also some games which contain violence, bad language and sexual content. Malware and viruses are another danger because these malwares can damage your child’s phone permanently.

Another danger in downloading different mobile apps is malware and viruses. The problem is that these apps are advertised free of cost and if you download them, these apps damage your mobile phone with malware.

You can easily prevent your child from having access to such sites with the help of the mobile tracking app like this available here Once you install cell phone spy, it will give you access to all data relating to your child’s cell phone usage and remains unnoticed by your child. In addition to this, you can block sites and downloading via this app.

Sent to us by Jessi Singh

Thanks, Jessi, for this information on keeping our children safe while using their computers, tablets, etc. Another thing to mention is cyberbullying, which causes some young people to be driven to suicide. This is an all-too common occurance, and parents must step in and be in control. pb

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