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Top Ten Forklift Faux Pas - How Companies are Avoiding Fatal Accidents


No matter what industry you’re in; oil and gas, shipping and receiving, warehouse or construction, there is one common factor that business owners, including myself, have a difficult time dealing with… workplace accidents! In particular, forklift accidents. It’s easy to blame it on inadequate forklift maintenance or even a freak accident but in the world of business there shouldn’t be these types of errors. A typical forklift accident is usually the fault of who’s operating it. Take a look below to find the most common operator errors!

Top 10 Common Forklift Faux Pas

• Traveling too fast – speeding • Operating with elevated loads • Erratic jerking while driving • No communication with staff • Hitching a ride or giving a ride • Inadequate breaking, turning and backing • Improper parking • Blocking railway car/semi-trailer wheels • Horseplay • Intoxication

How to Lower These Risks

It’s important that you and your staff are on the same page. If you have a few bad apples this can trickle down hurting your bottom line. To ensure proper safety and employee compliance, get rid the operators that are not following the safety guidelines and properly train a select few to carry on with business.

When I started to grow my online retail store I never thought it would blossom into what it has today. After 3 years I expanded largely and needed a warehouse where I can ship and receive goods. After one of my workers received a debilitating injury I vowed it would NEVER happen again! I decided to sit down with my staff and get down to the important stuff. My first question was “what can I do to make your job safer?”

With a great deal of hands rising up I was shocked to see such an immediate and persistent response. The first answer I received was more training! I was a bit surprised since I had assumed that if I hired a package handler they knew how to handle packages and if I hired a forklift operator he knew how to operate a forklift! I also posted general safety guidelines throughout the warehouse assuming that would be enough. I was wrong! Since these men and women came from different situations I needed to gather them together and get everyone thinking about safety first!

I set up mandatory weekly safety training meetings where we would discuss possible risks, watch forklift training videos and go over any areas of the warehouse that needed tending to. The overcrowded aisles became a hazard and dealing with those issues has helped tremendously! It’s important to properly train your employees the way you want them trained, never assume they know how you want your operation ran!

Author Bio – Sarah Shade is a research assistant for, she researches the latest in industrial news and brings her readers helpful information.

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