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Young People and Motorcyclists More Likely to be Hurt on UK Roads


Written by Matthew Crist in association with Canter, Levin and Berg. Solicitors with decades of experience when it comes to car accident claims.

It may not be a shock to some, but people aged between 20 and 24 are more likely to be injured on the road than any other group according to a recent report into road accidents. The revelation comes after a national travel survey of 17,000 people published by the Department for Transport (DfT)As many as 6.7% of 20 to 24-year-olds said they had been injured in a road accident in the period 2010 to 2012 compared with the all-adult (16 and over) average of 3.8%. That’s almost twice the national average.

The news doesn’t get much better for drivers aged between 25 and 29 of whom 5.8% suffered a road accident injury in 2010-12. Yet again, the more vulnerable of road users face a greater likelihood of being killed or injured on the roads.

Motorcycle users, per mile ridden, are roughly 35 times more likely to be killed in road traffic accidents than car occupants, while pedestrians and pedal cyclists are roughly 11 times more likely to be killed.

Perhaps the biggest surprise to come out of the survey is how few people over 60 were involved in a road traffic accident over the same period. Just 1.8% of those aged 60 and over had been injured in a road accident in the three-year period.

There is little doubt that these figures have been pushed up by the number of young drivers who are involved in road traffic accidents each year, a number that shows little sign of falling. Although many people claim they have been hurt on our roads, not all of the injuries and most were relatively minor.

Of the slight injuries, whiplash accounted for 57% over the 2010-12 period, followed by minor bruising or cuts. Fractures and broken bones were the main serious injuries, followed by severe shock. Of those who responded to the survey 77% who reported injuries sought some form of medical attention, with 38% having treatment at accident and emergency departments – showing the incredible strain that accidents on the road place on the UK’s health system.

Once again it’s rural roads that see more injuries. Despite carrying only around 40% of traffic, quieter country roads saw almost 60% of all of the road accidents reported in this period. Surprisingly, only 5% of deaths and injuries occur on motorways, despite these roads carrying 20% of traffic.

Our thanks to Matthew Crist for this informative article. I am curious to know if the U.S. statistics would match up close to these figures. (Tomorrow’s post will give you some information on world-wide statistics). One suggestion to pedestrians and cyclists would be to wear high-visiblity vests or gear in order to be seen by drivers. pb

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