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12 Tips to Ensure Your Safety at Work

By Brandon Allred While people may feel that they are safe at work if nowhere else, this is a common misconception that can lead to...

Why All Businesses Need Training in First Aid

Submitted by Colin Skinner. As a business it’s important not only to protect yourself but also your employees. It’s a good idea to...

Updating "The Office" Evacuation Plan

By Jessica Stark You work in a completely average office. Well, aside from that guy in sales who seems oddly obsessed with his family...

Easy Ways to Reduce Injuries in an Office Setting

Sent to us by Brandon Allred. Work injuries that are related to computers are quickly becoming the most reported incidences on the job....

The Best Remedy for the Pains of a Desk Job

Sent to us by Amelia Wood Poor Posture It can be difficult for office workers to maintain upright posture throughout the day. Chairs,...

Avoiding Cubicle Disasters

For those who work in high risk jobs, workplace safety is a topic that stays close in mind. In truth, even the most placid of occupations...

Preventing Workplace Violence

Over the last decade there were more than 7,000 homicides nationwide that occurred in the work place, according to the U.S. Bureau of...

How To Keep Your Office Secure

Whether you’re a boss or an employee, office security and safety is of paramount importance. You must protect your employees,...

Fire Safety Measures For a Safer Workplace

Today’s safety message comes to us from across the Ocean, from U.K. Fire Safety Solutions. Health and safety in the workplace should be a...

Eight Ways Ergonomics Can Help Your Office

When people think of “workplace accidents,” images of construction sites or nuclear power plants usually come to mind. But the truth is,...

Ergonomics of Prevention Pain Management

Guest Post Ten tips to ensure a healthy workplace Workplace wellness is becoming a very popular conversation among employees and...

Creating Civility In the Workplace

When we were children, our parents taught us manners. They expected us to use them anytime we were at home, with visitors, and at...

Resolving Conflicts

It’s only natural that there are going to be workplace conflicts, as well as those disagreements at home. Knowing how to settle them is...

Why We Lose Temper

First, let me thank Carol Fredrickson, CEO and Founder of Violence Free. She and her partner are workplace violence experts who conduct...

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